
30 June: not growing much, botrytis, velvety color, short habit (performed poorly last year, too), beat-up, unhealthy, different flower colors, stunted growth, poor performing, deadhead.

15 July: very unhealthy, struggling to survive, compact, several plants dead, poor growth, yellow leaves, pale flowers, stunted.

30 July: consistently poor performance, struggling to survive, deadhead, botrytis has taken over, plants almost nonexistent, hasn't grown since planting, great color and flower shape but doesn't fill in at all.

15 Aug: very poor, flowers have potential, no coverage, very compact, no growth, doing nothing, flowers washed out and too few.

30 Aug: brown foliage, not growing, never did well, sparse flowers, hasn't filled in at all, deadhead, mostly dead, poor, no spread.

15 Sept: mostly dead, little spread, little impact, poor but consistent.